A Child with mental Challenges & Multiple Disability for education/training/therapy & care |
15,000/- per student/year |
Training of 60 parents |
80,000/- |
Food for 60 Children |
1200/- per day |
Parents Training Program |
80,000/- |
Workshop Building for Vocational Training and Employability |
4,00,000/- |
Computer Centre for Children/Adults under Care |
2,00,000/- |
Audio – visual Room for Multi Sensory Impairment |
4,00,000/- |
Play Ground & Play Equipments |
1,00,000/- |
Physiotherapy Centre - Equipments |
2,50,000/- |
Classroom Furniture |
2,00,000/- |
Transportation for 60 Students |
2000/- per student/year |
Camps for identifying Children/Adults with Diverse disabilities in the neighboring tribal areas – 20 patient |
4000/- |
THE TRUST expects co_operation, guidance help and fellow feeling from your kind selves. As the TASK on hand is challening. you TOO can participate in creating hope for the needy. Let us give back to the society more than what we receive to share the joy. |
(A day care center for children with mentally challenged)
designed by webplus |